How do I backup my G Suite data?

After reading this article students, faculty, and staff should be able to:

  • Backup their G Suite data to Google Takeout

Google Takeout is the backup service provided to you through your G Suite Account.


To use Google Takeout you must opt-in to public services, see How do I opt-in to Public Services for G Suite?


What can I backup with Google Takeout?

Home & Office








Google+ Circles

Google+ Stream


Google+ Pages




Google+ Photos


Use Google Takeout to Backup G Suite Apps Data

  1. Navigate to:
  2. Check what you would like to backup and then click Next.
  3. Choose the file format for the downloaded data. The default type is a zip file.
  4. Choose a Max Archive size.  If your data exceeds this size, it will be split into multiple files.
  5. Choose a delivery method, and Create Archive.
  6. You do not have to stay on this page.  An email will notify you when the zip file is available. This may take a while depending on the amount of data you have stored.


Access files from the backup

  1. Open the zip file you downloaded. Windows has the ability to open zip files without 3rd party programs.
  2. You can view the folders inside the zip file and move them anywhere.



It is best to drag the main “takeout” folder in the zip to somewhere on your PC instead of keeping them in the zip folder.

Keywords: G Suite, data, backup, Google Takeout, zip file

Last Modified: 7/18/2017