How do I stop legitimate email messages from going into my SPAM folder?

After reading this article students, faculty and staff should be able to:

  • Stop legitimate email messages from going into their SPAM folder on any of the following email clients:
    • Outlook for Windows
    • Outlook for Mac
    • Apple Mail

SPAM filters are a filtering system setup to protect our email accounts from unwanted and potentially dangerous messages.

Stop legitimate email messages from going into my SPAM filter

Sometimes a SPAM filtering system misidentifies legitimate email messages as SPAM and sends them to the junk folder in your mailbox. If you discover that an email was mistakenly sent to your junk folder, you can follow the steps provided below to identify it as “not junk.”  With a few steps – and occasionally monitoring your junk folder – you can customize the server and correct this misidentification. Over time and as more users engage in these corrective actions, the server will filter with even greater accuracy.

Outlook for Windows

  1. Go to the junk folder in your mailbox.
  2. Right click on the email and select Junk > Not junk.
  3. A pop-up will appear check the box by “Always trust e-mail…” to ensure that the sender address will not be blocked again in the future. Click OK, to move the message back to your inbox.

Outlook for Mac

  1. Go to the Junk E-mail folder in your mailbox.
  2. Right click on the email and select Junk Mail > Mark as Not Junk