How do I enable or disable Clutter?

After reading this article, faculty and staff should be able to:

  • Turn on or turn off the Clutter feature in Outlook

Clutter is an Office 365 email filtering feature designed to move low-priority messages – those you typically ignore – to a folder called Clutter. Note: The Clutter folder remains in Outlook after you turn off the Clutter feature. The Clutter folder is one of the default set of folders, like your Inbox or Sent Items, and cannot be deleted.

For most UConn users, Clutter has been automatically enabled. If you do not want to use this feature, you can turn it off, or if the feature is not enabled on your account, you can turn it on.

You enable and disable this feature in the Outlook Web Application, which is linked to other clients, including Outlook on both Windows and OS X platforms.

  1. Sign in to Outlook Web App. Go to and click on Login to the Office 365 Portal. Enter your UConn email address ( and your NetID password. Then click the Mail tile.
  2. Click on the gear icon in the upper right and select Options.
  3. Go to MailAutomatic processingClutter
    1. If you wish to turn on Clutter, check the box for Separate Items identified as Clutter.
    2. If you wish to turn off Clutter, uncheck the box for Separate items identified as Clutter.
  4. Click Save.

Keywords: Clutter, disable, enable, turn on, turn off, Outlook, Windows

Last Modified: 9/14/2017