Preparing for Video Hangouts

Google Hangouts is a video and chat communication tool made available to Google and Google Apps users.  This allows users to connect with groups and individual people.  There are two versions of Google Hangouts:

  • Google Hangouts for Gmail – Hangouts for Gmail is available with your Core Services account.  This is accessible from  This version allows for one-on-one video and chat communications.

  • Google Hangouts for Google+ – Hangouts for Google+ is available with your Public Services opt-in and the creation of your Google+ account.  This is accessible from the Hangouts Apps, Google+, or Gmail once you have upgraded to Google+.

Get Hangouts

Start by downloading the app for the device you are trying to use:

On a PC or Mac, access one of the following:

If you are on a mobile device (iPhone, iPad, or Android device), download the Hangouts app and login with your UConn Google credentials.

Start a Hangout

To Start a Hangout, select the people you want to have a Hangout with. Here are three ways to find people:

  • Find people by scrolling through your Hangouts list.

  • Click the + button at the top of your Hangouts list and type a name, email address, or phone number.

  • Search for a Google+ circle using the search box at the top of your Hangouts list.

For more information, visit:


Join a Hangout

To join a hangout, open the Hangouts app on your device (Alternatively, open Gmail in your web browser, or Google+).

You will receive a pop-up notification alerting you of the invitation.  Select accept to join the Hangout.



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