How do I setup my G Suite Account?

After reading this article students, faculty, and staff should be able to:

  • Set up their UConn G Suite account for the first time

G Suite is the collective name for a group of Google apps such as Gmail, Docs, Drive and Calendar available to the university.


This article instructs first time users to set up G Suite which automatically sets up Core Services.  Optionally, anyone with a UConn G Suite account can opt-in to Public Services. To opt-in to Public Services, see G Suite: How do I opt-in to Public Services?



As a student, you will be notified that you have a G Suite account once you confirm your acceptance to the university.  Once you have been notified of your G Suite account and have received your NetID follow the instructions below:

  1. To set your password navigate to and click the Activate/Reset Password button.
  2. Enter your NetID and password and click Login.
  3. Create a password for your UConn Google account.  This will be used when you log into any Google application with your UConn credentials. Click Submit.
  4. Hint: You can use your existing NetID password in many cases.  It should meet the complexity requirements.
  5. Now you can access your University email account now from home and when you are at school using your as the username and the password you just set.  Visit http://gmail.uconn.eduto test your account.
  6. If you have issues accessing your account, first verify your UConn email address in the UConn Phone book.  Enter your name and click the Search button.


Faculty & Staff

  1. Visit
  2. Click the Create Faculty/Staff Account Button.
  3. Login with your NetID and Password.
  4. Click the I want to opt in! button to create your account.
  5. Review the terms of service, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the Accept button.
  6. Create a password for your UConn Google account.  This will be used when you log into any Google application with your UConn credentials.  Click the Submit Passwords button.
  7. Hint: You can use your existing NetID password in many cases.  It should meet the complexity requirements.
  8. Upon completion, a message displays: Congratulations, Your new gmail account has been created.
  9. Try logging into your account for the first time at using as the username and the password you just set.



Keywords: first time, setup, core, services, G Suite, Google account

Last Modified: 7/10/2017