How do I opt-in to Public Services for G Suite?

After reading this article students, faculty, and staff should be able to:

  • Opt-in to Public Services offered through G Suite

Public Services are G Suite apps that fall outside of the University – Google enterprise agreement and require users to agree directly with Google’s terms of use.

G Suite is the collective name for a group of Google apps such as Gmail, Docs, Drive and Calendar available to the university.



This article applies to existing UConn Google accounts.   To setup your UConn Google account, see How do I setup my G Suite Account?


Opt-in to Public Services

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click the Opt-In to Public Services button.
  3. If prompted, enter your NetID and password.
  4. Click the I want to opt in! button to enable your public services account.
  5. Review the terms of service, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the Accept button.
  6. Upon completion, a message displays: Your email address is now enrolled in “Public Services.”


Keywords: G suite, Google account, public services

Last Modified: 6/12/17