What file types and names can I save to OneDrive?

After reading this article students, faculty, and staff should be able to:

  • Determine what file types and names can be saved to their OneDrive

OneDrive is cloud-based storage available through Office 365.  UConn users have unlimited storage and can save all types of files and photos and access them from anywhere on any device connected to the internet.  Documents can also be shared and edited simultaneously using the Office Online products.

File Types Allowed in OneDrive

All file types are allowed to be saved to OneDrive for Business on Office 365.  There are no invalid files types of files or file extensions. There are restrictions to the names of files saved.


Invalid characters for file and folder names in OneDrive

Paths for a document location which include the folder and file name cannot exceed more than 400 characters total.   File and folder names in OneDrive for Business on Office 365 cannot contain any of the following characters:

Name Symbol
Quotation marks
Asterix *
Less than symbol <
Greater than symbol >
Question mark ?
Slash /
Backslash \
Vertical Bar |

Keywords: OneDrive, file, folder, name, path, character, invalid, Office 365

Last Modified: 7/6/2017