How do I spell check my email?

After reading this article students, faculty, and staff should be able to:

  • Spellcheck their emails in the following email clients
    • Office 365 Outlook web client
    • Outlook for Windows
    • Outlook for Mac
    • Apple Mail

Office 365 Outlook web client

Office 365 web mail does not have a spell check ability. Instead, it is based on the browser you are currently using. If your browser finds a spelling error, it will signal the error with a red underline. To fix the error, simply right click on the red underlined and it will bring up a list of spelling solutions. Browsers that have spell check turned on by default include Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.  To turn on spell check in Internet Explorer follow the steps below.

Internet Explorer

  1. Press the Alt key to display the menu bar.
  2. Click Tools, then select Manage add-ons.
  3. Select Spelling Correction from the list of ‘Add-on Types’.
  4. Check the box to Enable spelling correctionthen click Done.

Outlook for Windows

Spell Check Individual Message in Outlook

  1. Click the Review tab and then Spelling & Grammar.

Turn on Automatic Spell Check in Outlook

  1. Click File > Options > Mail.
  2. Under Compose messages, check the Always check spelling before sending box.

Outlook for Mac

Spell Check Individual Message in Outlook

  1. Click the Edit> Spelling & Grammar > Spelling & Grammar.

Turn on Automatic Spell Check in Outlook

  1. Click Outlook > Preferences > Spelling & Grammar.
  2. Make sure both “Check spelling as you type” & “Check grammar as you type” are checked.

Apple Mail

Spell Check Individual Message in Outlook

  1. Click the Edit> Spelling & Grammar > Show Spelling & Grammar.

Turn on Automatic Spell Check in Outlook

  1. Click Mail > Preferences Composing.
  2. Under the “Check spelling” dropdown, select either as I type to check spelling as you write your messages or when I click send to check your spelling right before the email is sent.
Keywords: spelling, spell check, grammar, email, mail client, Windows, Mac, Outlook, Apple Mail, browser

Last Modified: 6/30/2017